today, a lot of honey sold in a variety of brands and circumstances. Honey is very useful in food, as a sweetener, as a friend to eat white bread and so on. sometimes, we do not expect when we bought honey is pure or not pure.
Honey is not pure, there is a mixture of many chemicals and harmful preservatives. to anticipate, this is a trick that should be done:
Take a new drop of honey that we buy in the supermarket or grocery store. apply to the newspaper, wait a moment ... if honey was seeping behind the newspaper, then it is not pure honey. In contrast, pure honey, it will not seep behind the newspaper. Please try it, have been proven!
Honey is not pure, there is a mixture of many chemicals and harmful preservatives. to anticipate, this is a trick that should be done:
Take a new drop of honey that we buy in the supermarket or grocery store. apply to the newspaper, wait a moment ... if honey was seeping behind the newspaper, then it is not pure honey. In contrast, pure honey, it will not seep behind the newspaper. Please try it, have been proven!
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