Sunday, January 3, 2010

Candle Replacement

Surely we often find electricity was off at home. So that the light is off, surely we are going to use candles as an alternative light sources. If a house has a generator, then the problem can be completed while. What if we do not have a generator and use candles as an alternative?

Since ancient times, candle can be used as a medium of light. However, there are alternatives other than candles. Maybe these tips can also be used if we were having a camping event or out bound.

If you have the chalk to write on the blackboard, take it. Make the sharp end of the chalk, as you sharpen wood. Dip the pointed end of the chalk on coconut oil or coconut oil for frying. Put the lime which was wet mats or pads on. Light a match and put it on the end of the fire that has been pointed chalk it. The tip will be lit and kept burning like a candle wick was lit. This is not news lies, time-tested ....

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